MS Action Pack
Windows OS 2가지 버전이 있었다. Windows 10와 Windows 10 VL 확인해 보니.
교육용과 기업용 같은 느낌이 듭니다.
Windows 10 (multi-edition)
For multi-edition media, use a product key specific to the edition you want to activate. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations product keys will also activate the VL multi-edition media. This multi-edition media includes the following editions: Windows 10 S Windows 10 S N Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Home N Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Pro N Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Windows 10 Pro for Workstations N Windows 10 Core Single Language Windows 10 Education Windows 10 Education N |
Windows 10 (multi-edition) VL
This multi-edition media includes the following VL editions: Windows 10 ProWindows 10 Pro N Windows 10 Education Windows 10 Education N Windows 10 Enterprise Windows 10 Enterprise N |
출처: https://www.heidoc.net/php/myvsdump_details.php?id=P2346F73806Ax64Lro
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