
text-overflow 영역에 글자 넘어갈때 처리

saltdoll 2013. 2. 14. 11:34

글자 넘어갈때 표현

글자가 영역을 지나가면, (..)효과를 줄때 사용한다.


Definition and Usage

The text-overflow property specifies what should happen when text overflows the containing element.

Default value: clip
Inherited: no
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object.style.textOverflow="ellipsis"



text-overflow: clip|ellipsis|string;


Value Description
clip Clips the text
ellipsis Render an ellipsis ("...") to represent clipped text
string Render the given string to represent clipped text



참고: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_text-overflow.asp

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