
[favicon]즐겨 찾기 사이트의 대표 icon 만들기

saltdoll 2013. 6. 26. 12:02

favicon.ico  파비콘 만들어 주는 사이트


자세한 설명까지 나와있다.

  1. Upload the generated file ("favicon.ico") to your site. Verify it's there by typing http://mysite.com/favicon.ico in the browser's location, where "mysite.com" is your site's address.
  2. Next, insert the below code in the HEAD section of your pages, at the very least, your site's main index page:
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
  3. That's it! Note that your favicon may not appear immediately after you've completed the above two steps. In fact, it may take a few days, and in IE, sometimes the favicon will disappear from time to time due to a browser bug.

도움이 되셨다면 하트모양의 "♡ 공감"을 눌러주시면 큰 격려가 됩니다.
(로그인하지 않으셔도 가능)