이유는 뭘까?
ClientAbortException:java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
출처: http://confluence.goldpitcher.co.kr/display/GPCONF/ClientAbortException+java.net.SocketException+Broken+Pipe+with+Jira+User+management+on+MySQL
- Checked that the ?autoconnect=true parameter has been set for both Confluence and Jira connection URL, but the problem persists.
- This is not a session timeout problem
, as the user should be allowed to log in after the first login for the day.
- Adding the Validation query
parameter, to help survive closed DB connections, does not help.
MySQL connections are getting terminated by MySQL before they have been released by the connection pool. Then the next time you try to get a connection from the pool, you'll get a dead connection which will give a "broken pipe" error, as in the above stack trace.
Evict the idle session before MySQL does. Retrying the connection, will simply create a new connection. The following parameters can be added to the Jira datasource connection URL in Confluence's server.xml for the same:
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=21600000 (evict after 6 hours of inactivity, given that MySQL has a default timeout of 8 hours for idle database connections after which it closes the connection)
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=1800000 (run the evicter every 30 minutes)
numTestsPerEviction=-1 (check every connection)
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