[favicon]즐겨 찾기 사이트의 대표 icon 만들기
2013. 6. 26. 12:02
favicon.ico 파비콘 만들어 주는 사이트
자세한 설명까지 나와있다.
- Upload the generated file ("favicon.ico") to your site. Verify it's there by typing http://mysite.com/favicon.ico in the browser's location, where "mysite.com" is your site's address.
- Next, insert the below code in the HEAD section of your pages, at the very least, your site's main index page:
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
- That's it! Note that your favicon may not appear immediately after you've completed the above two steps. In fact, it may take a few days, and in IE, sometimes the favicon will disappear from time to time due to a browser bug.