2009. 9. 4. 09:31
Working with objects
Action | Shortcut |
Select the next object on the canvas |
Tab |
Select the previous object on the canvas |
Shift-Tab |
Move selected object by one pixel |
Arrow keys |
Move selected object by ten pixels |
Shift-arrow key |
Add objects to (or remove them from) previously selected objects |
Shift-click or Command-click |
Add range to (or remove it from) previously selected range |
Shift-drag or Command-drag |
Constrain movement of object to 45-degree angles |
Shift-drag |
Resize object |
Drag handle |
Resize object from center |
Option-drag handle |
Constrain aspect ratio when resizing object |
Shift-drag handle |
Constrain aspect ratio when resizing object from center |
Option-Shift-drag handle |
Rotate object |
Command-drag handle |
Rotate object 45-degrees |
Command-Shift-drag handle |
Rotate object around opposite handle (instead of center) |
Command-Option-drag handle |
Rotate object 45-degrees around opposite handle (instead of center) |
Shift-Command-Option-drag handle |
Turn off alignment guides |
Command-drag |
Open shortcut menu for selected object |
Control-click |
Exit text edit mode and select object |
Command-Return |
Mask or unmask image |
Shift-Command-M |
Exit mask mode or Alpha tool |
Return, Enter, Command-Return, or double-click |
Reenter mask mode |
Double-click masked image |
Duplicate selected object |
Command-D or hold down Option and drag |
Duplicate selected object and offset by 1 pixel |
Command-Option-Arrow Key |
Duplicate selected object and offset by 10 pixels |
Command-Option-Shift-Arrow Key |
Send object to the back |
Shift-Command-B |
Send object one layer back |
Option-Shift-Command-B |
Bring object to the front |
Shift-Command-F |
Bring object one layer forward |
Option-Shift-Command-F |
Group objects |
Option-Command-G |
Ungroup objects |
Option-Shift-Command-G |
Lock objects |
Command-L |
Unlock objects |
Option-Command-L |
Choose an object to insert |
Command-Shift-V |
Define object as text placeholder |
Command-Option-Control-T |
Define object as media placeholder |
Command-Option-Control-I |
Editing text
Action | Shortcut |
Select a word |
Double-click in the word |
Select a paragraph |
Triple-click in the paragraph |
Extend text selection |
Click in the text, then Shift-click in another location in the text |
Move one character to the right |
Right Arrow |
Move one character to the left |
Left Arrow |
Extend selection one character to the right |
Shift-Right Arrow |
Extend selection one character to the left |
Shift-Left Arrow |
Move to end of current or next word |
Option-Right Arrow |
Move to beginning of current or previous word |
Option-Left Arrow |
Extend selection to end of current word |
Shift-Option-Right Arrow |
Extend selection to beginning of current word |
Shift-Option-Left Arrow |
Move to end of current line |
Command-Right Arrow |
Move to beginning of current line |
Command-Left Arrow |
Extend selection to end of current line |
Shift-Command-Right Arrow |
Extend selection to beginning of current line |
Shift-Command-Left Arrow |
Move to the line above |
Up Arrow |
Move to the line below |
Down Arrow |
Extend selection to the line above |
Shift-Up Arrow |
Extend selection to the line below |
Shift-Down Arrow |
Move to beginning of current paragraph |
Option-Up Arrow |
Move to end of current paragraph |
Option-Down Arrow |
Extend selection to beginning of current paragraph |
Shift-Option-Up Arrow |
Extend selection to end of current paragraph |
Shift-Option-Down Arrow |
Move to beginning of text |
Command-Up Arrow |
Move to end of text |
Command-Down Arrow |
Extend selection to beginning of text |
Shift-Command-Up Arrow |
Extend selection to end of text |
Shift-Command-Down Arrow |
Delete previous character or selection |
Delete |
Delete next character or selection |
Fwd Del (Del key); not available on all keyboards |
Delete the part of the word to the left of the insertion point |
Option-Delete |
Delete the part of the word to the right of the insertion point |
Option-Forward Delete |
Copy paragraph style |
Option-Command-C |
Paste paragraph style |
Option-Command-V |
Make font size bigger |
Command-plus sign (+) or Command-equal sign (=) |
Make font size smaller |
Command-minus sign (-) |
Indent bullet |
Tab |
Move indented bullet to the left |
Shift-Tab |
Insert tab |
Option-Tab |
Insert line break (soft return) |
Shift-Return |
Insert paragraph break in body text without adding a bullet |
Option-Return |
Scroll to top of canvas (in text edit mode) |
Home |
Scroll to bottom of canvas (in text edit mode) |
End |
Stop editing text and select the text box or shape |
Command-Return |
Select text bullet and text |
Click bullet |
Move bullet and text, with all sub-bullets and text |
Select bullet and drag |
Playing a slideshow
Action | Shortcut |
Play slideshow |
Option-Command-P or click the Play button in the toolbar |
Play slideshow from the beginning |
Option-click the Play button in the toolbar |
Go to next build |
Click, N, Space bar, Return, Page Down, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, or Shift-Right Arrow* |
Go back to previous build |
Shift-Left Arrow*, Shift-Page Up*, or [ (left bracket) |
Go to next slide |
Shift-Down Arrow*, Shift-Page Down*, or ] (right bracket) |
Go back to previous slide |
P, Delete, Page Up, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Shift-Up Arrow* |
Go to first slide |
Home |
Go to last slide |
End |
Go back through previously viewed slides |
Z |
Hide presentation and show last application used |
H |
Pause presentation and show current slide (freeze) |
F (to resume, press any key) |
Pause presentation and show black screen |
B (to resume, press any key) |
Pause presentation and show white screen |
W |
Show or hide the pointer |
C |
Go to a particular slide in the slide switcher |
Type slide number |
Go to the next slide in the slide switcher |
Plus sign (+) or equal sign (=) |
Go to the previous slide in the slide switcher |
Minus sign (-) |
Go to the current slide and close the slide switcher |
Return, Enter |
Close the slide switcher |
Escape |
Reset the timer in the presenter display |
R |
Scroll notes up in the presenter display |
U |
Scroll notes down in the presenter display |
D |
Switch the primary and presenter display |
X |
Quit presentation |
Escape, Q, Command-. (period), or . (period) |
* To use keys without having to press Shift, turn on Caps Lock. |
Action | Shortcut |
Rewind movie (by frame if paused) |
J (hold down) |
Pause or play movie |
K |
Fast-forward movie (by frame if paused) |
L (hold down) |
Jump to beginning of movie |
I |
Jump to end of movie |
O |
Using the slide organizer
Action | Shortcut |
Create new slide at same level as last selected slide |
Return, Enter |
Indent slides to the right |
Tab |
Move indented slides to the left |
Shift-Tab |
Extend selection to the selected slide |
Shift-click |
Add the selected range to previously selected slides |
Shift-drag |
Add (or remove) selected slide to previously selected slides |
Command-click or Shift-click |
Add (or remove) selected range to previously selected slides |
Command-drag |
Duplicate slide |
Command-D or Option-drag slide |
Select next slide |
Down Arrow |
Extend selection to the next slide |
Shift-Down Arrow |
Select last slide |
Command-Down Arrow |
Extend selection to the last slide |
Shift-Command-Down Arrow |
Select previous slide |
Up Arrow |
Extend selection to previous slide |
Shift-Up Arrow |
Select first slide |
Command-Up Arrow |
Extend selection to first slide |
Shift-Command-Up Arrow |
Delete selected slides |
Delete |
Move to next slide |
Down Arrow |
Move to previous slide |
Up Arrow |
Scroll to first slide (in the slide navigator or light table view) |
Home |
Scroll to last slide (in the slide navigator or light table view) |
End |
Move to first slide (in the slide navigator or light table view) |
Command-Up Arrow |
Move to last slide (in the slide navigator or light table view) |
Command-Down Arrow |
Move to previous slide (while focus is on the slide canvas) |
Page Up |
Move to next slide (while focus is on the slide canvas) |
Page Down, Control-V |
Editing shapes and motion paths
Action | Shortcut |
Make a custom shape editable |
Click the shape, then click it again |
Move a point of an editable shape |
Click a point and drag it to another location |
Delete a point of an editable shape |
Click a point and press the Delete key |
Add a point to an editable shape |
Option-click the shape border where you want to add a point |
Change a corner point of an editable shape into a curved point |
Double-click the corner point |
Change a curved point of an editable shape into a corner point |
Double-click the curved point |
Reshape the curve of an editable shape |
Click a point on the curve and move the control handles |
Editing chart data
Action | Shortcut |
Show or hide Chart Data Editor |
Shift-Command-D |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection down |
Return |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection up |
Shift-Return |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the right |
Tab |
Complete a cell entry and move the selection to the left |
Shift-Tab |
Move one character left, right, to the beginning of text (up), or to the end of text (down) |
Arrow keys (in text edit mode) |
Complete a cell entry and select the cell |
Enter |
Move one cell in a given direction |
Arrow keys (in cell selection mode) |
Move to the beginning of the row |
Home |
Move to the last nonblank cell at the end of the current row |
End |
Extend the selection by one cell |
Shift-arrow keys |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the row |
Shift-Home |
Extend the selection to the end of the row |
Shift-End |
Working with tables
Action | Shortcut |
Delete selected table, border, or border segment, or contents of selected cells |
Delete |
Constrain the movement of the table and snap to guides |
Shift-drag table |
Duplicate table on move |
Hold down Option and drag |
Switch contents of selected cell with contents of another cell |
Drag selected cell to another cell |
Select cell |
Click cell of selected table or double-click cell of unselected table |
Copy contents of selected cell into another cell |
Option-drag selected cell to another cell |
Extend selection from selected cell to destination cell |
Shift-click in destination cell |
Add cell to (or remove cell from) selection |
Command-click selected or unselected cell |
Enter text edit mode |
Return or Enter (in cell-selection mode) |
Stop editing text and select cell |
Command-Return |
Select border |
Click border of selected table or double-click border of unselected table |
Add border to (or remove border from) selection |
Shift-click border |
Select border segment |
Double-click border segment, or triple-click border segment if table is unselected |
Add border segment to (or remove segment from) selection |
Shift-click border segment or Command-click border segment |
Move border to new position |
Drag selected border |
Move selected table, border, or border segment one pixel |
Arrow key |
Move selected table, border, or border segment ten pixels |
Shift-arrow key |
Select the next table cell to the left, right, up, or down |
Arrow keys (in cell selection mode) |
Extend cell selection by one cell |
Shift-arrow keys (in cell selection mode) |
Select next cell (or, if in last cell, add new row) |
Tab |
Select previous cell |
Shift-Tab |
Stop editing cell and select the table |
Command-Return |
Insert a Tab at insertion point in the selected cell |
Option-Tab (in text edit mode) |
Create a table by dragging |
Option-click Table in the toolbar, then drag to resize the table (continue holding down the Option key to size the table from its center) |
Open table formatting menu for selected table or cells |
Control-click table |
Formula shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
Open Formula Editor for selected non-formula cell |
= |
Open Formula Editor for cell containing formula or formatted number |
=, Return, Enter, or double-click |
In Formula Editor, save changes |
Return or Enter, or click Accept button |
In Formula Editor, discard changes |
Escape, or click Cancel button |
Action | Shortcut |
Create new document from Theme Chooser |
Command-Shift-N |
Show the Font window |
Click Fonts in the toolbar or Command-T |
Show the Colors window |
Click Colors in the toolbar or Shift-Command-C |
Show the Inspector window |
Click Inspector in the toolbar or Option-Command-I |
Show rulers |
Command-R |
Zoom in or out |
Click the zoom button (bottom left of slide window) or Command-> (zoom in), Command-< (zoom out) |
Open Keynote Help |
Command-? |
Show or hide the toolbar |
Command-Option-T |
자료파일들(맥북을 쓰는 사람들의 Keynote08 메뉴얼)