
[오픈소스][펌]20 Amazing jQuery Plugins and 65 Excellent jQuery Resources

saltdoll 2008. 11. 27. 20:00

taken from speckyboy

1. jSocialize - jQuery version of mooSocialize!


Description: This is the jQuery version of the phenomenal mooSocialize (which was, obviously, built on the mooTools framework).
jSocialize allows you to integrate your bookmarks for every post on your blog, website etc.
By clicking the jSocialize button, a window will appear, which lets you choose your favorite Social Bookmarking Network. Having a thumbnail of each service beside the link, it’s easy to see and find the one of your liking.
It then opens up the page in a hovered layer. Click the X and the window closes.
Try the Demo you will love this.
Demo and Download: jSocialize Demo and Download Page.
Compatability: It’s been tested in Firefox, IE7 and Opera 9+.
Note: This is also available as a WP plugin.

2. jQuery Virtual Tour


Description:jQuery Virtual Tour allows you to add interactivity and transform a panoramic image into a virtual tour.
This is a pretty cool plugin that will give your readers a lot more detail within your image galleries. Recommended.
Demo: jQuery Virtual Tour Demo.
Download: jQuery Virtual Tour Download.

3. jQuery Shoutbox


Description:This shoutbox is a chat-like feature for your website that allows people to quickly leave messages without any form of user registration. As with most ajax there is no need for refresh making the effect very smooth. Unlike other shoutboxes this integrates seemlessly into your theme by styling the CSS file.
Screehshot: jQuery Shoutbox Screenshot.
Download: jQuery Shoutbox Download.
Developer: Ajaxdaddy.

4. Coda Bubble Tooltip


Description: This script will help you recreate the amazing puff popup bubble effect as seen on Inessence this is probably the best tooltip script I have seen. Its not a script for every site, but implemented properly it would look amazing.
Demo: Coda Bubble Demo.
Download: Coda Bubble Download.

5. Flexigrid - Data Grid/Table


Description: This is a lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content.
Features: Resizable columns ; Resizable height and width ; Sortable column headers ; Cool theme ; Can convert an ordinary table ; Ability to connect to an ajax data source (XML and JSON[new]) ; Paging ; Show/hide columns ; Toolbar (new) ; Search (new) ; Accessible API.
Demo: Flexigrid Demo.
Download: Flexigrid Download.

6. Humanized Messages


Description: Humane Messages is a system for displaying and temporarily logging non-modal messages, for use in web applications. It’s simply a large and translucent message that’s displayed over the contents of your screen. They fade away when the user takes any action. In practice, the message is both noticeable yet unobtrusive.
Demo: Humanized Messages Demo.
Download: Humanized Messages Download.

7. Img Notes


Description: A simple way to display notes over images when you roll your mouse over the image. This is not unlike the jQuery Virtual Tour, but a lot simpler to use.
Demo: Img Notes Demo.
Download: Img Notes Download.

8. Featured Content Glider


Description:This script lets you painlessly showcase new or featured contents on your page, by turning ordinary pieces of HTML content into an interactive, “glide in” slideshow. For the ultimate in the ability to customize its look, the pagination links are also ordinary links that you define on the page, but with special CSS class names inserted when it should perform a certain task. Visit the homepage to read about all the features. Excellent.
Demo: Featured Content Glider Demo.
Download: Featured Content Glider Download.

9. Anti-aliased Rounded corners with JQuery


Description:This is a variation of the very good jQuery plugin CurvyCorners, smaller file (in at 15kb) and runs a lot faster.
Demo: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Demo.
Download: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Download.

10. jqDnR - Minimalistic Drag’n'Resize


Description:jqDnR is a lightweight plugin for jQuery that lets you drag, drop, and resize elements. jqDnR provides the all the basic elastic functionality most dialogs will need. Basic and simple and easy to use.
Demo: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Demo.
Download: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Download.

11. jScrollPane


Description: jScrollPane is a jquery plugin which allows you to replace the browsers default vertical scrollbars on any block level element with an overflow:auto style. You can easily control the apperance of the custom scrollbars using simple CSS.
Demo: jScrollPane Demo.
Download: jScrollPane Download.

12. jQuery Date Picker


Description: This jQuery plugin allows you to easily add “date picker” calendars to you HTML forms. These calendars make it much quicker, easier and less error prone for people to input certain types of dates.
Demo: jQuery Date Picker Demo.
Download: jQuery Date Picker Download.

13. jQZoom


Description: jQZoom allows you to realize a small magnifier window close to the image or images on your web page easily. Great for an image gallery.
Demo: jQZoom Demo.
Download: jQZoom Download.

14. jQuery Star Rating Plugin


This is a fully degradable plugin that creates the Star Rating interface based on a simple form structure. Simple and easy, I love it.
Demo, Download and Details: jQuery Star Rating Plugin Homepage.

15. jquery.combobox


jquery.combobox is an unobtrusive way of creating a HTML type combobox from a existing HTML Select element(s).
Features: Easy to set up ; Control over style of combobox using CSS ; Supports keyboard navigation ; Cross-browser support with Firefox 2, IE 6 and Opera 9 ; Different style of animation for dropdown ; Original Select html control is still available for access and control and reflects the user’s selection ; Works the same with forms and server-side form processing, retaining the original control’s ID and updated values.
Demo, Download and Details: jquery.combobox Homepage.

16. Scrollable HTML table


This JavaScript code can be used to convert tables in ordinary HTML into scrollable ones. No additional coding is necessary. All you need to do is put header rows (if you need them) in THEAD section, table body rows in TBODY section, footer rows (if you need them) in TFOOT section.
Demo, Download and Details: Scrollable HTML table Homepage.

17. Accessible News Slider


Accessible News Slider is only 2KB compressed! I love this, very smooth, small file, and rich in detail. Its easy to install as well. Perfect.
Demo, Download and Details: Accessible News Slider Homepage.

18. Damn Small Rich Text Editor v0.2


This piece of code creates a Rich Text Editor (”RTE”) from an IFRAME element.This script’s purpose is to provide enough basic functionality while having the smallest footprint possible.
Demo, Download and Details: Damn Small Rich Text Editor v0.2 Homepage.

19. jFlow 1.2 - The Ultra-lightweight Fluid Content Slider


jFlow is a widget to make your content slides. One popular alternative that exists out there is coda-slider. jFlow is super lightweight because it is only 2kb minified!
Demo, Download and Details: jFlow 1.2 - The Ultra-lightweight Fluid Content Slider Homepage.

20. Easy jQuery Pull Quotes


Pull quotes, lift-out quotes, or call-outs are a handy method of drawing reader’s attention to a section of text. This enhances large blocks of text so the user could skim read them without missing the really important parts.
Demo, Download and Details: Easy jQuery Pull Quotes Homepage.

Below, there are 65 Excellent jQuery Resources (tutorials,cheat sheets,ebooks,demos,plugins…). Hope they help.

jQuery Tutorials

1. jQuery Crash Course
2. Getting Started with jQuery
3. AutoCompleter Tutorial
4. Multiple File Upload Magic
5. jQuery for JavaScript programmers
6. Easy Ajax with jQuery
7. jQuery in 15 minutes
8. jQuery Tutorials for Designers
9. Wrapping Images With A Drop Shadow
10. Simplify Ajax development with jQuery
11. Rounded Corners
12. Getting Around The Minimum Height Glitch
13. Multiple Fancy Drop Caps
14. Semitransparent rollovers made easy with JQuery
15. Using JQuery to modify presentation while preserving document semantics
16. Fancy Drop Cap
17. Easy Multi Select Transfer with jQuery
18. Javascript Tooltips on Steroids
19. Edit In Place with AJAX
20. Style Sheet Switcheroo
21. Safer Contact Forms Without CAPTCHA’s
22. Photo Slider Tutorial
23. Text box hints
24. 5 JavaScript Tricks Made Easy with jQuery
25. JQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial
26. A Quick Code Igniter and JQuery Ajax Tutorial
27. jQuery and XML revisited
28. What is JSONP?
29. Creating A Sliding Image Puzzle Plug-In
30. Slide out and drawer effect
31. Creating accessible charts using canvas and jQuery
32. jQuery liScroll - a jQuery News Ticker
33. Visual jQuery 1.1

jQuery Plugin Directoies

34. Visual jQuery 1.1
35. Plugins | jQuery Plugins
36. - The Home Of All jQuery Plugins
37.240 jQuery plugins

jQuery Video Tutorials

38. Jquery Smooth Scrolling Tutorial
39. jQuery AJAX forms Tutorial
40. swfupload ajax jquery drupal module image editor
41. jQuery 1.2.3
42. Drag and Drop JQuery + AJAX
43. jComboBox demo Tutorial

jQery Podcasts

44. Drupal Podcast No. 53: Javascript/JQuery in Drupal | Lullabot
45. Podcast 52: Javascript Libraries :: Boagworld

jQuery ebooks

46. jQuery Reference Guide
47. jQuery in Action

jQuery Cheat Sheets

48. Color Charge jQuery Cheat Sheet (PNG Image, 1313×900 pixels)
49. Charlotte web design jQuery Cheat Sheet (pdf)
50. Jquery Cheat Sheet 1.2. (pdf)

Further Reading

51. 50+ Amazing jQuery Examples
52. 24 ways: Unobtrusively Mapping Microformats with jQuery
53. A List Apart: Articles: Frameworks for Designers
54. – JQuery Ajax + Rails
55. 1007 + Ajax/Javascript/Dhtml examples and demos to download
56. QuarkRuby: Why I moved from Prototype to jQuery
57. jQuery and XML
58. A List Apart: Articles: Prettier Accessible Forms
59. Agile Ajax: jQuery vs. Prototype v.JavaScript with or without training wheels
60. AlternateIdea: Your Mommas So Fat…Prototype vs. JQuery Edition
61. Ajaxian » Prototype and jQuery: A code comparison
62. 45+ Fresh Out of the oven jQuery Plugins
63. Learning jQuery » A Plugin Development Pattern
64. jQuery: » About client-side form validation and frameworks
65. Why jQuery is The Answer » Articles » Lucumr